Savages (Unrated)

2012 • 141 minút
868 recenzií
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Tento film

Three-time Oscar-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone brings to life this ferocious, Unrated Edition. In a glittering California beach town, two best friends' innovative marijuana business has come to the attention of the ruthless Mexican Baja Cartel. As a seemingly unwinnable war unfolds around them, they're forced to take part in a savage battle of wills to save the girl they both love. Starring Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Johnson, John Travolta, Benicio del Toro and Salma Hayek, Savages is "stylish, violent, hallucinatory thriller." (Ty Burr, Boston Globe)

Hodnotenia a recenzie

868 recenzií
Rob M
27. augusta 2014
Spoiler. Lame double ending marred the film for me. Maybe if I hadn't read the book it would have been okay. Decent movie to watch on an airplane, but that's it.
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Eagle Dancer
26. decembra 2012
Oliver Stone doesn't have it anymore. All this is, is Stone trying to impersonate Quentin Tarentino. The only reason it's any good at all is because he hired talented actors...that usually Tarentino employs... But, good luck on his.... comeback.
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Paul K
27. apríla 2018
Stupid, then tried to cover it up by being super dark, which just came through as manipulative, with a side of uninteresting characters.
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