Sesame Street: The Alphabet Jungle Game

2010 • 26 minút
14 recenzií
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Tento film

Elmo, Zoe and Telly are exploring the Alphabet Jungle, where letters grow on trees. Every letter from A to Y leads them on an animated alphabet adventure. But what about Z? What will happen if Zoe can't find her favorite letter? Come play the Alphabet Jungle Game and you'll find out!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

14 recenzií
Malachi Branch
10. júna 2015
I love the Alphabet Jungle Game. Because I love the ABCs A-Z. My favorite part is the African Animal Alphabet.
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Bolo to užitočné?
Daniel Hermansen
20. mája 2017
Taught my 2 year old the alphabet after watching everyday.
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