
1995 • 126 minút
250 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Dánčina, Fínčina, Holandčina, Nórčina a Švédčina.

Tento film

When city police find a murder victim who was somehow forced to die of overeating, it puts veteran Detective William Sommerset and his new, talented but still green partner, Detective David Mills, on a desperate hunt for a serial killer who is making statements by staging his victims as tableaus of the Seven Deadly Sins. The first corpse found was "Gluttony," and soon the detectives find more: a lawyer killed because of his Greed; an insurance scammer killed for his Sloth; a fashion model killed for her Pride. Each murder scene is elaborately planned, the victims chosen specifically because of who they are, and posed methodically in death. With time running out for the last two possible victims -- Envy and Wrath -- can Sommerset and Mills get ahead of the killer before his final two acts come to deadly fruition? Starring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Gwyneth Paltrow and R. Lee Ermey. Directed by Academy Award and Golden Globe-nominee David Fincher. MPAA Rating: R Rated R for grisly afterviews of horrific and bizarre killings, and for strong language. c) 1995 New Line Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

250 recenzií
Elsa Rufo
31. mája 2016
Wrath didnt seem like wrath to me.. It was "mild" compared to the sin itself. Kevin Spacey was good in this movie. He got my attention from the time he walked into the precinct then started talking. Still giving it 5stars though.. Plot's different.
125 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Charlize Bucalan
9. februára 2022
This movie is so incredible that the plot twist made me shed tears but at the start I was a bit bored.
Používateľ služieb Google
31. decembra 2016
Una película que te lleva a replantear. Si la ira t conduce a algo muy malo.chau hasta luego😅
90 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú