Sid the Science Kid: Sid's Pet Project

2013 • 102 minút
30 recenzií
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Tento film

Get ready for a fun weekend with Sid as he babysits Grandma's dog Philbert for the weekend! Sid hopes to show his parents that he's ready to take care of his own puppy. However, there is only one problem -- how exactly do you take care of a pet? Find out in Sid's Pet Project!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

30 recenzií
Khos Mitchell
9. septembra 2017
This is an amazing show for children my daughter loved it when she was a baby until she was 7 or 8 now all her step siblings are obsessed with it. Amazing show very educational.
Madelyn G
21. októbra 2014
Cool I love sid the science kid it teaches you a lot about science love love love it
Používateľ služieb Google
10. mája 2014
I love this show and I'm nine