So I Married An Axe Murderer

1993 • 93 minutes
238 reviews
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About this movie

Mike Myers takes the lead in this rousing comedy thriller as a romantically-jaded performance artist who finally thinks he's met his match in beautiful butcher, Nancy Travis. Their romance begins to flounder when he suspects that she's up to murder. © 1993 TriStar Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

238 reviews
Maria Heredia
June 21, 2016
I would give this movie negative stars if i could-- not because the movie is bad, but because I CANNOT WATCH IT. every time i press play it says an error has occurred...even though i payed to watch it just like everybody else. This service is crap. I'm taking money to Azamon prime.
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William Diaz
July 28, 2015
Simple - had a crap day, feel better by watching this and reliving those fun jokes, music and 90s references. Also see SF before tech got big and people moved out.
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Justin Thor
February 27, 2018
I'm bummed it only has a 55 in rotten tomatoes, this is SUCH a perfect "90s film". Mike Myers at his absolute best. I adore this film, it's a family classic
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