Star wars hasn't been great for 30 years. I thought that this would break the streak, but it made things worse. The acting is horrible, there isn't much combat in it, and Han solos death was the lamest death imaginable for his character. The death star concept was recycled, making this a horrible version of episode 4. J.J. Abrams has ruined star wars, turning it into star trek, another of his horrid creations. The only things good about this movie was 1) Chewbacca and 2) the stormtroopers suits.
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Chase Cotton
Being a Star Wars fan, i came into this feature with high standards and low expectations. Mainly for the sole fact that the director of Star Trek made this film. Star Wars Episode Seven has grasped onto the childish disney humor and made itself a joke. Even the story seemed contrived, rushed and full of easter eggs from the original three features. On the other hand, the one that hasn't been removed, i would watch it again. I give this film a "Rent First"
9 people found this review helpful

Such a horrible movie. BY FAR the WORST piece of trash ever to hit the screen under the name of Star Wars. Indestructible millenium falcon, everyone is a jedi, ADVANCED forced techniques through intuition alone LOL! (those take years of training). The list goes on and on and on. Thanks JJ Abrams and Disney for destroying the franchise. If I wanted to see A New Hope I would just watch A New Hope.
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