Star Wars: The Last Jedi

2017 • 151 минута
1,28 тыс. отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
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Информация о фильме

In Lucasfilm's Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Skywalker saga continues as the heroes of The Force Awakens join the galactic legends in an epic adventure that unlocks new mysteries of the Force and shocking revelations of the past.

Оценки и отзывы

1,28 тыс. отзывов
Benediktus Endra Kristianto
3 мая 2021 г.
This is the best of SW I've ever seen. This one of the Sequels, ROTS of the Prequels, and ANH (surely) of the originals, they are all executed at the same high level not everyone can understand. Never mind all those stupid guys calling themselves "fans" when they went mixed up misunderstanding the use of myth and reality here, which is absolutely a superb F-bomb to them, without exaggerating.
6 человек отметили этот отзыв как полезный.
29 июля 2020 г.
I honestly don't see why people hate the sequels, I mean Star Wars is Star Wars. I was introduced to these films in 2013 when I was 6 and have grown to love them (it's an obsession...). The Last Jedi was a film I thoroughly enjoyed, but it has some sloppy writing skills. I do wish it included more of Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker...for Padmé isn't mentioned at all throughout the films (a very underrated character, I must say).
AlacoreWakfu Last
24 января 2019 г.
Okay let's start the review note I dint buy this since I alredy own it on a different phone, As a star wars movie it's okay but for hard core fans it's a let down sure some scense where great but overall lacked the star wars we loved. But as an action movie for none fans it's great