Sam Rothermel
The prequel trilogy of Star Wars is a different breed than the original films, but all contained in the same universe with much of the same style and spirit. These movies also tell a much different story, with this first of three episodes focusing much more on the setup of a grand tale that gets paid off later on (making this film the brunt of much criticism and - amazingly - hatred). Still, it is a visually stunning piece of work, as fun and exhilarating as the original movies despite the heavier subtext. Clear your mind must be, if enjoy this movie you wish. While I never intend on making this the first movie to watch in the series (despite its episodic numbering), it still should be viewed under the pretense of having NO pretenses. It is an action/adventure, fun-filled flick that builds up slowly but deliberately and pays off in a superb montage of simultaneous battles. When you're done enjoying all that, check out some of the extra features and you'll get blown away again! Some of the best documentary pieces on a movie ever (sounds like I'm exaggerating, but not really) and feature after feature of making this amazing film (also great that they are here too, thanks Google!).
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yadon kno
I have nostalgia for this thanks to some badass tie in games and videos like Mr. Plinkett's review. But if you never watch this movie you won't even be missing anything in the prequels. George could have just as easily started episode 1 with Shmi getting pregnant, or Plaqueis finding Palpatine or Obi Wan getting his lightsaber. None of this is relevant to anything.

Ich war leider etwas enttäuscht. Ich mag eigentlich die Star Wars Saga. Bisher kannte ich nur die ersten 3 (alten) Teile. Nun wollte ich doch man den ersten Teil ansehen. Der Film hat mich leider nicht gepackt. Ich fand, das zu viel palavert wurde. Wahrscheinlich liegt es einfach an der Zeit, man ist ja heutzutage mit Special Effects so verwöhnt, das man gar nicht richtig Lust auf die Geschichte bekommt.