Starship Troopers: Invasion

2012 • 88 minutu
178 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan dago erabilgarri audioa: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

A distant Federation outpost Fort Casey comes under attack by bugs. The team on the fast attack ship Alesia is assigned to help the Starship John A. Warden stationed in Fort Casey evacuate along with the survivors and bring military intelligence safely back to Earth. Carl Jenkins, now ministry of Paranormal Warfare, takes the starship on a clandestine mission before its rendezvous with the Alesia and goes missing in the nebula. Now, the battle-hardened troopers are charged with a rescue mission that may lead to a much more sinister consequence than they ever could have imagined... 2012 Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Inc. All Rights Reserved

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178 iritzi
Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2012(e)ko abuztuaren 27(a)
This really lacks the charm of the original movie; if you're expecting that, you'll be disappointed. This also lacks much of the irony and subtle humor, etc. Other than repeated and numerous nods to the original film version, this seems to be more based on the actual Heinlein books rather than the movie. There are some parts that make me wonder if the producers just didn't quite "get it". This is loads better than Starship Troopers 2. Waaay worse than Starship Troopers. Hey, if you're a fan, it's worth a watch... just don't get your expectations too high.
Norman Miller
2012(e)ko abenduaren 14(a)
Having seen(or Read) virtually every incarnation of Starship Troopers (including a few minutes of the Japanese anime) I can say this is one of the better films in the franchise. It does have it's flaws, mostly it tries too hard in some areas and drops the ball in others. The Voice acting while good didn't flow well and it shows. Luci Christian as Carmen was an excellent fit since she plays similar characters in her other works. It was Nice that they tried to fit every version of ST in the film but that'w where the problems lie. each Version had tweaks that worked for them and they don't blend well. Animation wise fans of Shinji Aramaki can see his touches which hold the film together. it is worth a watch if you're a fan just to spot the homages.
Mike Peterson (Mic Pete)
2014(e)ko otsailaren 28(a)
O, the pain of had spending moneys on this flix?! Same stiff-board non-acting for each character only with a different CG makeover. Storyline looked someone made-it-up, after each camera load on set. CG sets look as if it took a whole 20 artists for production. I'll stop here because... “O, The Pain” to continue! Mic Cl;-(~ Ririe, Idaho