Still of the Night

1982 • 90 daqiqa
20 ta sharh
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

Bu film haqida

A Hitchcockian thriller from director Robert Benton. Roy Scheider portrays a Manhattan psychiatrist who is suspected of killing one of his patients. The police do not know if he's not telling them- claiming the immunity of the doctor-patient relationship. Scheider himself considers that the dead man's mistress (Meryl Streep) may be the killer. Scheider's quiet bachelor life is penetrated by Streep's wiles, and he can't understand her interest. Streep is a vivacious, chain-smoking blonde, who looks as if she could 'explode' at any provocation. Scheider is determined to get to the bottom of the murder and find out if Streep is the killer. His obsession is accompanied by nightmares of flashing knives. Scheider plans his moves to get closer and closer to Streep until she breaks.

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20 ta sharh
michelle turner
21-oktabr, 2017
I found it hard to follow as it jump from one scene to the other , also very slow it improved a little bit towards the end ...
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Olivia Smith
2-iyul, 2015
Another brilliant film starring Meryl Streep, a definite must-watch for any Streep fan!
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Josh Pritt
10-oktabr, 2020
The best United Artists movie.
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