Stuck Between Stations

2012 • 84 minutos
4 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Casper, a soldier home on bereavement leave, gets as second chance to make an impression on his childhood crush Rebecca, a promising grad student whose career hangs by a thread. While they drift through the streets of Minneapolis, they have one night to find themselves falling in love and falling apart

Valoracións e recensións

4 recensións
Victoria Orand
13 de marzo de 2015
I also loved that it brought me back to my own happy memory similar to this. So many love stories make you wish you had something you don't; this made me happy for what I have experienced because it's so relatable.
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Un usuario de Google
13 de febreiro de 2015
Although I love Minneapolis as well as my fellow Minnesotan Josh Hartnett... I was not lovin' this movie.
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Maikell Sterling
18 de xuño de 2015
Its an anti-love story with heart...if that makes any sense. Just watch it you will see what i mean
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