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Sucker Punch: Extended Cut (2010)

2011 • 127 minutes
145 reviews

About this movie

With an extra 18 minutes of exciting content, including a newly added dance sequence, close your eyes and open your mind to the limitless possibilities. You will be unprepared. "Sucker Punch" is an epic action fantasy that takes us into the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality. She has been locked away against her will, but Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges four other young girls to band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands of their captors. Led by Babydoll, the girls engage in fantastical warfare against everything from samurais to serpents, with a virtual arsenal at their disposal. Together, they must decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stay alive. But with the help of a Wise Man (Scott Glenn), their unbelievable journey-if they succeed-will set them free.

Ratings and reviews

145 reviews
Matt Easom
February 13, 2016
Truly stunning!! Sucker Punch is incredible and the extended cut fixes what was originally a quite abrupt and strange lead into a key scene. It's not the fantasy action film the trailers suggest; while the action is there it only breaks up a very dark story of a victimised girl battling to cope with loss and imprisonment. But don't let that put you off, there's still short skirts, slow-mo sword play and a giant gatling gun wielding Samurai!
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Elwyn Roberts
March 30, 2017
I had high hopes that Sucker Punch (2010) was going to be another great Zack Snyder movie, but as I started to actually watch it (shudder), it became almost totally unwatchable. It's clear that a lot of love and effort went into making Sucker Punch (2010) from everyone involved, but it couldn't help save it from the turgid, slow mess that it coalesced into...Avoid watching this movie and rent/buy something else.
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Darren Walker
August 7, 2018
when sentenced for the lawful killing of her sibling our heroine discovers that she has the power to control her environmental care home. finding that it is a secret club for rich fat cats of men she disappears into the realm of fantasy to provide for escape along with her friends they take on the persona of a special weapons and tactics team and begin to plot for the required items they need to escape their prison in this one of my favorite film slick fast cute mind blowingly acted scripted and drama'd this has it all.
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