Superman III

1983 • 127 daqiqa
5 ta sharh
PG (faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
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The Man of Steel faces the awesome power of a criminally insane super-computer genius, who has been hoodwinked by a sinister tycoon seeking global dominance. MPAA Rating: PG (c) 1983 Warner Bros. Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
Yoshga oid cheklov
PG (faqat kattalar bilan)

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5 ta sharh
E D (E)
25-sentabr, 2022
A real departure from the more action and logically paced stories. Superman is pitted against a poor equivalent of Lex Luther, with Richard Pryor’s unwitting henchman. Lois is replaced by Lana, with Annette O’Toole giving the only interesting dimension to the story. The only other notable highlight is a fight between an evil Superman and Clark Kent in a junkyard, that traumatised me as a child for years.
Adrian Pearce
30-avgust, 2021
Everyone loves to bash this movie don't they? I mean look at this last reviewer. Telling u how bad it is without giving u any in depth reasons why. Well here are some in depth reasons why this is a great movie! 1. It's a fresh change which takes a lot of guts, even if some moments can be a bit silly! 2. Chris Reeves performance is at his best along with his physical build also looking his best. 3. Still very high production values and special effects. Give it a chance! Don't follow the sheep!
13-iyun, 2020
No words can truly express how bad this movie is. The plot is embarrassingly bad and the characters are awful. It's an incredibly disappointing movie after the first two Superman movies. I can't say anything more except for to avoid it like the plague.