The Beach

2000 • 119 minút
409 recenzií
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Tento film

Richard (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a young American backpacker, willing to risk his life for just one thing: the mind-blowing rush he can only get from braving the ultimate adventure. After hearing the improbable tale of a secret island--the perfect beach, unsullied by tourists--Richard sets off on a journey to find paradise on Earth. But Richard soon discovers that what seems like paradise can hide a deadly secret. Now desperate to escape, Richard explores the hidden perils and dark places that lurk just beyond the shores of paradise.

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409 recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
20. januára 2014
My first time watching it. I can see why people are suggesting you see it twice. Not at all what i expected, I thought it would be more suspenseful, but Danny Boyle has a great vision, and this movie is a classic example. If you like his other movies you'll like this.
Christopher L
31. augusta 2013
Danny Boyle is great! This is my favorite out of all his movies, for personal/nostalgic reasons, but it is very entertaining. DiCaprio gets it done as per usual.
2 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
Evan Roseboro
18. apríla 2014
I really dont want to go through what he went through but would love to find something like this in my life. Such an amazing adventure and a true deep look into your self and who you truly are.