The Beat Beneath My Feet

2015年 • 91 分鐘
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Tom (Nicholas Galitzine) is a teenage loner with dreams of becoming a rock star, but he is thwarted by his God-fearing single mother, Mary (Lisa Dillon). Tom's life takes a dramatic turn when an intimidating stranger moves into the flat below and plays loud rock music throughout the night. Tom recognises his new neighbour (Luke Perry) as Max Stone, a disgraced American guitarist who disappeared years earlier owing a fortune in unpaid tax and has been presumed dead. Tom agrees not to reveal Max to the authorities on the condition that he teaches him the dark arts of rock guitar.


Glyn Samuel
Low budget brit-flick but well acted and enjoyable. Luke Perry caught his character very well and Nicholas Galitzine was very believable as the terribly shy wannabe rock star. Lisa Dillon was a perfect choice as Mum. This is a very simple film of a shy teenager, living with single-parent Mother, who wants to follow his Father's footsteps by playing in a band, completely against Mum's wishes. He recognises his neighbour as a supposedly dead rock-star and strikes a deal to learn how to play. 7/10
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I recently saw The Beat Beneath My Feet and going into it I didn’t know what to expect, but after watching it I was definitely not disappointed. This upbeat dramedy follows teenaged loner Tom (Nick Galtizine) as he tries to bring his dream of becoming a famous rocker to life. With the help of his disruptive neighbor Steve (Luke Perry), the duo forms a friendship that in the end helps Tom reach his goal of performing at his local battle of the bands. From its amazing cinematography to superb performances by the main cast, The Beat Beneath My Feet kept me engaged from the opening scene to the end credits. This is a movie I definitely recommend you go and watch.
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If you are a music enthusiast like myself, you will absolutely fall in love with The Beat Beneath My Feet film. The original rock music written by leading actor Nicholas Galitzine demonstrates his raw talent and impressive ability to write heart-felt lyrics and melody as his character Tom plays his music in the Battle of the Bands competition at his high school. Although Tom is an awkward and broken teenager, he is secretly an aspiring musician who seeks help from a famous guitarist who moved in downstairs. The compilation of the strong narrative as well as the magnificent acting created an engaging and energetic story that people of all generations would enjoy.