Justin Craig
For the kids nowadays, it won't have the same effect as it did when it first came out. You have to understand; when this came out, it was REAL. Even though logic told you to be sceptical, we were ready, willing, and able (maybe even longing for a reason) to believe something did actually go bump in the night. They jump started the genre; but it's not their fault that the found footage formula was run into the ground, then dug back up and run down/dug up again and again.

Bruce Rose
This is one of my favorite horror films. Its effective and scary. Scary is a relative term I suppose, what scares me might not scare you. There are no jump out scares here. This is a psychological assault. There is a constant feeling of dread throughout the whole film. If you have never watched The Blair Witch Project i suggest you give it a chance. For Those of you that have not seen it I am sure you know the general story as this was one of the most infamous films ever made. It started the horror sub genre of found footage. Films like Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield, Apollo 18 and countless others owe there existence to this one movie. The very basic premise is that three college students set out to make a documentary about a local legend called The Blair Witch. As they hike out into the woods to find spots the local legend is said to haunt they become more and more lost. At night strange sounds in the woods keep them awake and afraid. The movie is effective in how authentic it feels. The actors are mostly improving their lines and I feel it makes the movie more believable. The movie may not be for everyone but for me it still gives me chills. Give it a shot.
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Samuel B.
I watched this movie last night by myself at my grandma's house and I wasn't that scared even though I'm 14. At times this movie was very erri and did have my heart beating a little and my palms sweating especially in the climax. At other times however this film did have me laughing in a unsettled tone because I thought some of the diolauge was cheesy and I felt scared / sad for the situation they were in. This movie was still really good and I highly recommend it for all horror fans.
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