The Butterfly Effect

2004. • 113 minuta
665 recenzija
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)
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O ovom filmu

A young man struggling to access sublimated childhood memories finds a technique that allows him to travel back to the past. Occupying his childhood body, he is able to change history. But every change he makes has unexpected consequences.
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)

Ocjene i recenzije

665 recenzija
Googleov korisnik
11. studenoga 2016.
The science behind the Movie was good. Every action we take and every move we make in the Universe has a outcome. If we change anything we do it can change everything in the universe for everyone. We are all connected. Time does not exist. It is possible to go back and forth in time. If you are into CERN / Quantum D Computers / Mandela Effect / Holographic Universe and the movie the Matrix, You will understand this movie.
18. siječnja 2019.
Don't listen to any bad reviews, me and my buddy watched this for the first time on Netflix, it took me so long to watch it, because I read reviews from bad film critics and necer watched it. Dont do what I did and give this movie a watch, I certainly don't regret it. I plan on watching all the movies even though I'm sure this is the best one. Watch this movie!
14. kolovoza 2017.
I loved this movie. The concept of time travel fascinates me and this is one of the most memorable movies I've ever seen of this genre. It still haunts me to this day. Look up the alternate ending. It's really more befitting of this movie than the ending they eventually chose. I was surprised by the low critics score. I consider this movie a master piece. Ashton Kutcher is great in it. Highly recommend.