The Cloth

2013. • 89 minuta
40 recenzija
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Ni audio ni titlovi nisu dostupni na vašem jeziku. Titlovi su dostupni za engleski.

O ovom filmu

Action/horror story centered on a secret organization formed by the Catholic Church to counteract the rising number of cases of demonic possessions across the country. The story follows a young godless man who is being recruited into the cloth in order to prepare a new generation with the tools needed to stop the rise of the ultimate evil; Beelzebub.

Ocjene i recenzije

40 recenzija
Googleov korisnik
18. juli 2013.
After watching this movie I need a CAT scan and/or MRI. This was awful. I knew I was in for a bad time when after 5 mins when I said to myself "WTF?"...The acting in this movie just continued to get worst and worst. Eric Roberts acting has gotten to the point that it isn't even recognizable. Please save your money and avoid this poorly acted flick. Your brain will thank you for doing it.
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Nabil Al-Murabit
15. juli 2013.
This is one of the worst movies that I've ever seen, the other being Night Of The Demons. The acting was really, really bad and the special effects looked as if they were some art school student's project. I could've wasted and hour and a half doing other things like drinking a bottle of drain-o. I wish I could my money back, but I doubt it
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Chris Wingerd
10. juli 2013.
Acting was a joke. Special effects were worse. I got about 10 minutes in and turned it off. I now feel as though I lost brain cells watching the first 10 minutes. Waist of $3.99.
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