The Coffee Table

2024 • 89 minút
2 recenzie
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Tento film

Unspeakable horror meets the blackest of black comedy in this tale of a married couple, their newborn and a tacky coffee table. Jesus and Maria, to celebrate their new baby, go furniture shopping. Jesus, in a rebellion against his tough-as-nails wife, insists on a trashy fake gold embossed glass table held up but four breast-bearing female figures (think an Ikea table designed by Liberace.) Guaranteed to bring happiness to their family by the smarmy salesman, the couple buy the monstrosity. Assembled in their home, the table instead, brings nothing by horror, their worst nightmare is about to happen. Director Cayé Cases ("Killing God") pushes the limits of unbearableness and all without evil ghosts, monsters or possessions to do so, just a little insignificant coffee table. But mark our words, that damn table will drive you through a mental hell, stuck in a limbo between nervous laughter, disgust and an urge to cleanse your eyes of the images they've just been exposed to.

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2 recenzie

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