Simon Varty
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I would love to tell you about this movie, your release date is August 2018 it is now October 2018, yet it is down as a pre-order, also I do not want to buy it but rent it first so that I may determine if I want to buy it ? 5 pounds 49 to rent, are you absolutely kidding me. I can go to the cinema for that, and watch a BLOCKBUSTER FILM on the big screen. I would suggest you rethink your price for renting this movie. Now that I have watched this, I would advise against buying or renting it not worth the price at all.
Cassie CN
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I watched it the day it came out with my sister and it was amazing, it had action, romance and comedy every now and then and if i could watch it again i DEFINITELY would. I 100% recommend this movie!!
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