The Decade You Were Born: 1950s

2012. • 91 minuta
2 recenzije
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)
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O ovom filmu

If you were born in the '50s your parents spurred the biggest story of the 20th century ... the rise of the middle class ... and millions of Americans left the cities for the suburbs to own a home of their own ... a building boom was on. This was the decade where people built bomb shelters ... if you were born in the early fifties you are a Baby Boomer, the most influential and powerful group of Americans ever born.
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)

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2 recenzije
Edmundo Negrete
19. kolovoza 2020.
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