The Family Jewels

1965 • 99 minutes
6 avis
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À propos de ce film

When a poor little rich girl (Donna Butterworth) is suddenly orphaned, one of her six wacky uncles‚ all played by Jerry Lewis, will be selected as her guardian. The nine-year-old heiress can visit each one, and decide which uncle would be the ideal candidate to take her in. But the selection process won't be easy‚only one of the men is truly, genuinely sincere‚and all the rest have their eyes on her $30 million inheritance! A sparkling comedy gem that also stars Sebastian Cabot.

Notes et avis

6 avis
Mahmod Istafa
14 sánzá ya libwa 2021
Dc .v
21 sánzá ya motóbá 2020
7 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Isa Yaser isa
7 sánzá ya mítáno 2022
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