The Fate of the Furious - Extended Director’s Cut

2017 • 147 minutes
822 reviews
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About this movie

Dom (Vin Diesel) betrays those closest to him, forcing the team to face trials that will test them as never before in the action-packed Extended Director’s Cut.

Ratings and reviews

822 reviews
John Coryat
July 19, 2017
The movie starts out pretty cool, in Cuba with a nifty car race but degenerates quickly into a really predictable and very boring collection of crashes and special effects. It appears the actors are just waiting for their contracts to expire as there is zero life in them. I'm wondering why they just didn't end it with the last movie. That would have been smarter. Instead, they pile this worthless trash on the public, probably just to ring the cash register. I read a bunch of reviews that basically say the same thing as me so I'm to blame for buying this turkey. I wonder why it is that the laws of physics simply do not apply to the "team" but certainly do to the other members of the cast. Rather predictable. If you enjoy explosions, shooting and car engine noise, this movie is for you. I added one star for the tasteful depiction of killing. No actual scenes of horror but done in the old fashioned way where you see the look on the face of those watching but don't actually see the blood spattered corpse. I tip my hat to that kind of cinematography.
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Vanessa Simms
November 12, 2019
I agree. The best F&F was 1&2. Didn't care to much for Tokoyo Drift. I have all the collection. Not the same since (Brian) Paul Walker has passed. Sure miss him playing in the F&F. The best one was the first one that came out with Paul Walker & Tyrese My pockets ain't empty couz and we ain't hungry no moe That was to funny. Paul Walker and Tyrese were good friends even off the set. Vin Desiel named his daughter Paulette after Paul walker. He was her Godfather. I thought that was really cool.
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Shanley McCray
May 6, 2022
Fast 5 fue la última secuencia creíble. 6 n 7 se pasó de la raya al convertir a los chicos de los autos del capó en el propio FBI en autos del mundo. ¡Pero esto era ridículo! Trama... Los chistes eran buenos, las actuaciones buenas, las acrobacias buenas. Pero me perdí sobre cómo los inadaptados de la ciudad pueden ser las mejores personas del FBI y ni siquiera estar realmente capacitados. Pero ama la línea familiar en todo
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