Jim Long
The Coen's love love of film--especially old Hollywood films--permeates every frame. In addition, Ethan Coen creates some the most quotable dialogue to grace an audience's ears. Hudsucker is an inspired modern fairy tale reminiscent of Frank Capra's classic 'simpleton makes good' tales but fashioned with much more visual flair. If the Coen Bros decided to film the Periodic Table---I'd still enjoy it. These guys can do no wrong.
2 people found this review helpful

Mike Peterson (Mic Pete)
• Rotten Tomatoes® $core fails, as for ever & for always. RT Can't control Real Viewers Real Feelings on Coen Bros' Films. Much Good Film, 4-1/2 ★s. Mic Pete Cl;-)~ • Ririe, Idaho USA [ PS - RT, jog on! ]
4 people found this review helpful

Zero Kiryu
For years and years this has been my number 1. It is also the most overlooked gem in the history of film....and gems. My space is limited so I will only say it is saturated with atmosphere and comedic perfection. Watch and cherish this amazing amazing film.