The Jazz Singer (1927)

1927 • 96 de minute
18 recenzii
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Despre acest film

The son of a Jewish cantor must defy his father in order to pursue his dream of becoming a jazz singer.

Evaluări și recenzii

18 recenzii
Elliot Hertzberg
27 noiembrie 2015
First talkie or not, a brilliant tale of a time past. Roaring twenties heading to the Great Depression. Still a timeless tale of immigrants in a new world. And oh, those songs. The Greatest!
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Master Diver RJ Byers
9 februarie 2019
who doesn't love this Movie and the Music! a must see really great personally I have seen this movie more than I could possibly count it's timeless and I think it will always be! Neil Diamond is outstandingly talented!
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lynn leonardo
12 februarie 2018
My grandmother watched this everyday. She got me into old movies. This one is awesome
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