The King of Staten Island

2020 • 137 mínútur
640 umsagnir
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Judd Apatow (Trainwreck, Knocked Up & The 40-Year-Old Virgin) directs Saturday Night Live breakout Pete Davidson in a bracing comedy about love, loss and laughter on Staten Island. Scott (Davidson) has been a case of arrested development ever since his firefighter father died when he was seven. He's now reached his mid-20s having achieved little, chasing a dream of becoming a tattoo artist that seems far out of reach. As his ambitious younger sister (Maude Apatow, HBO's Euphoria) heads off to college, Scott is still living with his exhausted ER nurse mother (Oscar®-winner Marisa Tomei) and spends his days smoking weed, hanging with his buddies and secretly hooking up with his childhood friend Kelsey. When his mother starts dating a loudmouth firefighter, it sets off a chain of events that will force Scott to grapple with his grief and take his first tentative steps toward moving forward in life.

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640 umsagnir
Brenda Hughes
12. júní 2020
Watched on a different platform and I loved it! The whole cast was incredible. It gave really good insight into Pete's life w/o being too biographical. And too the people giving it one stars without seeing it y'all are dumb. You do realize the reason for it being $20 is because it home theatre release. Many theatres are still closed and everyone involved in making this movie still need to make money somehow. It still significantly cheaper than going to the movies and buying popcorn and a drink.
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Daniel Nash
13. september 2020
Amazing movie. Pete's character and personality are amazing. Definitely worth the watch in my opinion. Dont listen to the negative reviews. It's only 5 bucks to see it for yourself. I loved it and so did many others. I watched this with 6 people and they all agree its a great movie. His character is awkward and cringy and that honestly adds a lot of mood and emotion to the movie. It really puts into perspective what a tragedy can do to a person.
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Andrea Mahoney
3. október 2020
I am on my 25th anniversary celebratory weekend - got married in '95. And my husband and I just watched this movie. He picked it out and it hit the spot. I'll leave it here because there were so many things that reminded of us of our time together, including the connections to 9/11, our admiration for Marisa Tomei and Steve Buscemi, and discussions about Judd Apatow. It gave us positive thoughts and memories. For this I say thank you.
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