The Lone Ranger (2013)

2013 • 149 minutes
6.38K reviews
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About this movie

Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer star in The Lone Ranger, from Jerry Bruckheimer Films and Director Gore Verbinski. It's a wild ride of high-velocity action, explosions and gunfights that brings the famed masked legend to life through brand-new eyes. The Lone Ranger (Hammer), the last of his kind, teams with Tonto (Depp), a dark and mysterious vigilante, to seek vengeance after justice has failed them. It's a runaway train of epic surprises, as these two unlikely heroes must learn to work together before the ultimate showdown between good and evil explodes.

Ratings and reviews

6.38K reviews
Cloud i9
January 29, 2017
This movie was nonsense. It tried to be serious and some how have some strange twisted respect toward Native Americans and mix it with the cartoonishness of Indiana Jones but all it did was insult the native American and come off like a five year old making a western and yet it's terribly violent. Someone some where said "It's Pirates of the Caribbean meets Indiana Jones meets Dances with Wolves" and somebody in a studio said, "Awesome! Here's $200,000,000. Go make it!" And what was made? Punishment enough!!
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David Yarnevich
December 18, 2013
No majesty of The Old West. No meaningful drama. Nothing more intellectual than a whoopee cushion. Just a bunch of stuff blowing up, dialogue de fromage extraordinaire, more gratuitous explosions, and breaking of physical laws--for the sake of random action scenes--that would make even MacGyver cringe. If you put on the dunce cap, it's fun for a while. Then it feels about as fresh as reading the obits.
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Chip Hoover
December 18, 2014
This movie was just terrible. If you want to see a far better version (which was considered one of the biggest flops ever) watch the 80's version The Legend of The Lone Ranger. At least that one gave the main characters some dignity. But if you want to see a masked cowboy who never uses his guns the whole movie paired with the love child of Logray the ewok and Rain Man as Tonto...then by all means watch this garbage.
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