The Lost Bladesman

2011 • 109 minút
10 recenzií
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Tento film

During the warring period of the three kingdoms, ancient China is in turmoil. To unify the country general CAO CAO (Jiang Wen), enlists the aid of the greatest warrior in the land GUAN YUN CHANG (Donnie Yen). However, Guan Yun Chang is a loyal friend of CAO CAO's enemy LIU BEI. To persuade the peerless warrior to fight, Cao Cao takes his beloved QI LAN (Sun Li) hostage.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

10 recenzií
Zhida Lyu
21. októbra 2015
this is definitely a insult to our divine hero.
Ryan Brophy
6. februára 2016
To Yuri tu Yuri tu tu tu tu