The Man with the Iron Fists (Unrated Extended Edition)

2012 • 107 minutes
760 reviews
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About this movie

Quentin Tarantino presents The Man with the Iron Fists, an epic action adventure inspired by classic kung fu movies. When the emperor's gold is hijacked, every kung fu warrior, assassin and hired gun in China will battle to claim the fortune. Starring Academy Award-winner Russell Crowe, RZA, and Lucy Liu, The Man with the Iron Fists Unrated Extended Edition includes jaw-dropping martial arts action that you couldn't see in theaters. Also starring Rick Yune, David Bautista, Jamie Chung, Cung Le and Byron Mann.

Ratings and reviews

760 reviews
A Google user
March 5, 2013
This is an insult to every martial/asian movie made. The acting is horrible ie the blacksmith. It is painful to the ears and eyes. If Mystery Science Theater 3000 was still on the air I would suggest this movie for ribbing...especially since it was nominated for worst actor, supporting actor, and actress. Save your money and watch would enjoy that more than this piece of crap.
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March 24, 2013
I love fantasy Kung Fu where the fight scenes are over the top ala Crouching Tiger, but thus way way overdone with a horrible script that is all over the place. The costume design and sets are great and the Lion clan looks dope. If you're gonna rent, don't expect much. You might fall asleep like I did.
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David Finley
February 24, 2013
Maybe I watched this with to high of expectations but I was disappointed by how seriously this movie tried to take itself when it could have been much more enjoyable if it were much more cheesy. Also had too many dead end scenes, mostly in the early Pink Blossom / Jack Knife setup. And don't get me started on the abrupt and unnecessary detour we took to get the blacksmith's back story. Crazy, creative acts of violence, cool, that's what i came for. But it felt like mentorship from Tarintino stopped there
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