The Oxford Murders

2010 • 108 minút
14 recenzií
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Tento film

A woman is murdered in Oxford. Her body is discovered by two men, Arthur Seldom (John Hurt), a prestigious professor of logic, and Martin (Elijah Wood), a young graduate student who has just arrived at the university hoping to study with Seldom. It quickly becomes clear that this is the first in a series of murders, all of which are announced by the murderer with strange mathematical symbols. Professor and student join forces to try and crack the code, and thus begins an elaborate puzzle, in which nothing is as it seems, and the truth is elusive. MPAA Rating: R

Hodnotenia a recenzie

14 recenzií
Chaz Oneal
7. septembra 2015
This was a great thriller, kept me on edge & thinking throughout the whole film, also a great storyline from beginning to end!
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Používateľ služieb Google
15. novembra 2012
Amazing story ! The end is perfect and make you think a lot. Incredible movie!
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Lillia Franco
8. augusta 2022
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