Directed by Lee Daniels (Academy Award-winning "Precious") and based on the book by New York Times' best-selling author Pete Dexter, The Paperboy follows two brothers: Ward Jansen (Matthew McConaughey), a reporter for the esteemed daily newspaper, The Miami Times, and Jack Jansen (Zac Efron), a recent college dropout who lives in a small town in central Florida with their gutless father, W.W. Jansen (Scott Glenn). When Ward shows up with his writing partner, Yardley Acheman (David Oyelowo), to investigate a story for their paper, Ward asks Jack to drive them around. Since Jack delivers their father's newspapers around the county, he knows the area like the back of his hand. The reason Ward is in town is that Charlotte Bless (Nicole Kidman), an enigmatic loner who writes to prisoners on death row, has convinced them that Hillary Van Wetter (John Cusack), an unsavoury alligator hunter from the backwoods, was wrongly convicted at a trial that took place near their hometown. - 2012 Paperboy Productions, Inc.