The Phantom of the Opera (2004)

2004 • 141 minutes
1.79K reviews
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About this movie

Musical Drama based on Andrew Lloyd Webber's celebrated musical phenomenon. The Phantom of the Opera tells the story of a disfigured musical genius (GERARD BUTLER) who haunts the catacombs beneath the Paris Opera, waging a reign of terror over its occupants. When he falls fatally in love with the lovely Christine (EMMY ROSSUM), the Phantom devotes himself to creating a new star for the Opera, exerting a strange sense of control over the young soprano as he nurtures her extraordinary talents. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (c) 2004 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Ratings and reviews

1.79K reviews
June 21, 2020
I'm at a loss The acting and visuals are great (other than Eric's face bc it looks like bad acne scars) but I can't get over the horrendous vocals, how ALW let this happen I don't know, but I'm glad I only rented it, I can't deal with the thought that I could have spent $15 on this, I'd rather watch the 'musical' episode of Riverdale. Also the people glorifying Eric and Christine's relationship needs serious therapy. Edit: if you want to actually watch Phantom, rent or buy the 25th anniversary
Jonathan Godin
May 26, 2015
As a devout Phantom fan, after seeing it live and listening all my life to the Original London Cast recording, I gave this version a chance and WOW am I sorry I did. This version ruined my memories of the Phantom. Visually, I'm sure this is great, but the vocal performances are just awful compared to almost every other version I've heard. If you want to capture the magic of the Phantom on screen, check out the 25th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall (also on Google Play). MUCH much better version!!!!!
48 people found this review helpful
Jacqueline H.
August 12, 2021
Not going to lie... I enjoyed this flashy production. The problem? Gerard Butler. I think Gerard captures the essence of the Phantom here. If you are expecting to hear Michael Crawford you will be disappointed. The problem with Gerard? He's just too good looking. My first reaction to seeing him on screen? HOT DAMN! I'd stay in a cave with him, mask or not. What woman in her right mind would run away from him? Even unmasked, I've dated guys with worse facial deformities than that.