The Power of One (1992)

1992 • 127 de minute
24 de recenzii
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Despre acest film

An orphan terrorized for his family's political beliefs, young PK turns to his only friend: a kindly, world-wise prisoner who teaches him how to box.

Evaluări și recenzii

24 de recenzii
Dusty Atkinson
31 octombrie 2016
If you've read the book, this movie will be a pretty big disappointment. They loosely follow the events of the book in the beginning before totally trailing off into a completely different story which the producers must have thought would be more appealing to the masses (ie. love story, guns, violence, etc.). I also don't understand why they changed the names of some of the characters in the book and left some as is....very odd. Overall, I was quite disappointed in watching this after reading the book.
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Adam Leija
15 septembrie 2016
No words. Must see. I saw it for the first time at 14, have seen it 25 times since then, now 36, can't wait to see it again!
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Joanie McCardle
15 septembrie 2016
Purpose greater than self... God given when one effects many. Beautiful when on a positive note😘
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