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The Predator

2018 • 106 minutes
166 reviews

About this movie

From the outer reaches of space to the to the backwoods of southern Georgia, the hunt comes home in Shane Black’s explosive reinvention of the Predator series. Now, the universe’s most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before. And only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biology professor can prevent the end of the human race.

Ratings and reviews

166 reviews
January 14, 2019
This film sucks in so many ways it's hard to know where to start. Plot doesn't know whether it's supposed to be serious or tongue in cheek. It feels like Shane Black borrowed bits of plot from other films and then cut n pasted them together - then threw in some stereotype characters, a kid, all served with a big helping of slightly crappy CGi and you end up with a film that's a pale reflection and an insult to the original and best Predator movie.
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Rob “RobSin” Ellis
May 15, 2020
such a terrible movie, i love the others (yes even predators) but this falls so far from the tree. I cant even think of which is the worst part, the terrible stoner humour(?), adding some trollop super pred, the kid or even the dumb ending suit. why does each new predator dircetor feel that they need to add bigger aliens rather then any real story?
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Lee Chamberlain
March 9, 2019
As a film, it's passable as a throw away afternoon movie. As a Predator movie,it makes "Alien vs Predator Requiem" look like a multi Oscar award winning movie. it's full of cheesy, roll your eyes, lines and CGI. I don't know why Hollywood insists on taking a winning formula, as in "Predator", and have ott CGI and one liners in their sequels. It's just simply a poor movie in the franchise. I wasn't a big fan of "Predators" but i appreciate what they attempted to do with it. This just doesn't work!
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