The Predator

2018 • 106 minutes
909 reviews
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About this movie

From the outer reaches of space to the to the backwoods of southern Georgia, the hunt comes home in Shane Black’s explosive reinvention of the Predator series. Now, the universe’s most lethal hunters ...

Ratings and reviews

909 reviews
Garrett “MisterF85”
December 23, 2018
the best part about this movie, is I got to rent it for a dollar. the cinamatic experience is disgusting, had I paid for this in theaters, I would have been asking for my money back, before they introduced the main characters. is it bad that I didn't realize the cast was killed off until they placed out the bandana? they took shots at the moviegoer every chance they got insulting intelligence, and rubbing it in your face you paid to see this trash.
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Jack Reacher
November 4, 2018
How can one person describe how bad this movie is. I'm not are but i'll try. The script is both illogical yet completely predictable. I just kept thinking "what is the absolute stupidest thing they could do next?" after every scene and lone behold that's what they did. The characters are bland, disposable, and mostly unlikable.The script is terrible as well, because they add in explicit language just because. Strong language can really emphasize how characters feel but here it is just thrown in because why not, like a 13 year old boy wrote the script. Cannot recommend watching at all.
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Unipup 301
October 27, 2018
I am a Shane Black fanboy and was extremely excited to see his take on the franchise (he did some on set rewrites of the original movie). Unfortunately something seems to have gone horribly wrong. Nonsensical plotting (a Predator comes in peace yet slaughter everyone it meets?), cliché kid, bad acting (Olivia Munn), and some shoddy cgi during the last act ruin this movie. It is more like someone wrote a Predator script meant to spoof Shane Black scripts.
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