The Tuskegee Airmen

1995 • 106 минут
83 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
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The story of the 'fighting 99th'--the first squadron of African American U.S. Army Air Corps fighter pilots in WWII. Laurence Fishburne stars in this thrilling HBO Original Movie.
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Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

83 шүүмж
jorge nestor moreira lopez
2022 оны аравдугаар сарын 28
a traves de la historia de los esclavos africanos que llegaron a toda America a puertos donde desembarcaban esta " mercaderia" util para las diferentes areas de la produccion , tanto industrial como agricola ,en los paises del norte de America y atraves del tiempo , el concepto de gente inferior se arraigo en las nuevas generaciones y hasta hoy dia hay "pecas" de menosprecio en la mentalidad de una parte sureña de EEUU , que determino la muerte de lideres de esta raza y las afrentas de desfiles
Энэ танд нэмэр болсон уу?
Dana Bedolla
2018 оны хоёрдугаар сарын 24
This drama driven tale of heroism is based on the true events and bravery of an elite group of pilots. These men were given little to work with and fought not only in the war but for their right to be able to serve. They showed so much courage and strength of spirit despite the obstacles set before them. If you are looking for something truly inspirational and worth your your time then thus gilm is for you!
Энэ танд нэмэр болсон уу?
Peleg Wadsworth
2022 оны хоёрдугаар сарын 17
This is something we all should have learned in high school. If you are of African descent, please watch this movie. And, share it with your children. They're probably into war games. So they might like it more.
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