The Woman In Black

2012年 • 95 分鐘
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(Original TItle - The Woman In Black) Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe), a widowed lawyer whose grief has put his career in jeopardy, is sent to a remote village to sort out the affairs of a recently deceased eccentric. But upon his arrival, it soon becomes clear that everyone in the town is keeping a deadly secret. Although the townspeople try to keep Kipps from learning their tragic history, he soon discovers that the house belonging to his client is haunted by the ghost of a woman who is determined to find someone and something she lost... and no one, not even the children, are safe from her vengeance. © 2012 CCP Woman In Black Holdings LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Tara Dobbs
I saw this in theaters first and then read the novel. The book is a bit different than the movie, of course, but for this case, that's okay. The movie has perfectly placed jump/creepy feeling scares in all areas of importance to pull the story along. Classical in the construction of the story itself and set dressing and costuming, it takes you away to a place of pure haunted beauty. The spooky place where Mrs. Drablow's spirit comes sliding into Nathanel's room with her signature scream, freaks me out still each and every time. It is engrained into my brain forever when I saw it the first time and now days, still I will just watch the very moment she begins her glide and scream and I will close my eyes. I rarely get spooked that badly from scenes like that. It just cuts to the whole psyche of you to hold you forever. This is one of those movies I watch at least two times a year or more depending on my mood. Currently, I'm reading the book for a second time. I love a good classic gothic horror.
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Rujith de Silva
The movie is beautifully filmed, and has strong characters (ironically, the main character is the weakest). However, it moves painfully slowly. I kept waiting for the woman in black to actually do something beyond appearing briefly.
Brandi Jones
That certainly scared the mess out of me. Never let your child see this. Ever. It's not kid friendly. This manages to be suspenseful without the gore horror is going for these days. Well done director. Horror can still be done without the need for buckets of blood.
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