
2015 • 112 minutes
268 avis
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À propos de ce film

In the badlands of Delhi's underbelly, Titli, the youngest member of a violent car-jacking brotherhood, plots a desperate bid to escape the 'family' business. His schemes are thwarted by his unruly brothers, who marry him off against his will. But Titli finds an unlikely ally in his new wife, Neelu, who nurtures her own frustrated dreams. They form a strange, mutually exploitative pact to break the stranglehold of their family roots. But is escape the same as freedom?

Notes et avis

268 avis
Un utilisateur de Google
20 sánzá ya míbalé 2016
The movie has a good concept, but thestories don't lead anywhere. There is no real reason why characters behave the way they do. A very half baked sort of an attempt.
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Shyam Shrivastav
7 sánzá ya mítáno 2016
I liked it. All major characters acted very well, tight direction and editing. At no point it seems fake or unrealistic. Although it is sad and depressing almost throughout, except probably the end. Shivani is great beauty as per my eyes.
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30 sánzá ya zómi na míbalé 2015
This turned out to be a mix of some fresh and and some familiar story elements and characters that come together to create a engaging story. A very raw and touching piece of human drama.
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