Tom and Jerry: Robin Hood and the Merry Mouse

2012 • 57 minutes
282 avis
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À propos de ce film

The fur flies again, when Jerry, as the smallest member of Robin Hood's gang, encounters Tom, a feline squire to Maid Marion. Not only are the cat and mouse from opposite sides of the moat, but Tom is secretly working as a spy for the Sheriff of Nottingham and evil Prince John. But when the villains succeed in capturing Robin, Tom realizes to his horror that they intend on harming Marion as well. So he joins forces with Jerry, not only saving their respective humans, but allowing for the safe return of King Richard as well.

Notes et avis

282 avis
Glenn Canady
8 novembre 2015
The next week to discuss your wedding day photography for your help in making their own lives of others are interested.😦😩
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Rick Verdugo
14 juin 2014
Love the classic cartoons BUT the $ for them are #ludicrous..... corporate greed @ its finest...
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Kyle hallatschek
12 janvier 2013
It never gets old, and I'm 16. I just use my nephew as an excuse to watch it. Love it on my tablet, and my HTC One X
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