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Hahahaha!! They added extra footage to an already awful and what feels like, a movie that takes forever to go anywhere or do anything. Whoever wrote this garbage, has no idea what love is at all. Those who think it is love, I feel bad for you, and for your current or future partners more. Why is this century old being hanging out at school anyway? Did he not learn anything over the centuries of his life? Or, is he a predator looking for his next victim? Seriously, laughable!!

Danielle “Daynee” Bauza
Just another twist on Shakespeares classic Romeo and Juliet, only this time with Vampires and humans instead of witches/humans, gnomes, humans only... it's a story that's been told many times many ways but still good. I was a tad disappointed in the casting as some of the acting lacks a bit and a few characters were not quite fitting of the novels descriptions. Loved the novels! This movie was a pretty close adaptation as far as book to movie conversions go. Still the series left a tad to desire

por que ya no estan sacando peliculas con audio latino me encanta el rey leon y twiligt y muchas mas, pero resulta que no estan es ese idioma, estoy en USA pero me gustaria encontrar peliculas que me gustan en audio latino gracias