Two of Us

2021 • 95 minutu
6 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Golden Globe® nominee: Best Foreign Film. Nina and Madeleine are two retired women who have hidden their deep and passionate love for many decades. To everyone around them, including Madeleine's meddling daughter, they are simply two neighbors sharing a hallway during their sunset years. In reality, this landing is a bridge between two worlds: one belonging to a widowed, doting grandmother, the other to a free-spirited, fiercely independent woman who longs to spend her life with the person she loves. Clandestinely, Nina and Madeleine share a tender life, moving freely between their apartments until, one day, an unexpected event puts their relationship to the test. At once both quietly thrilling and tenderly romantic, Filippo Meneghetti's Two Of Us is a moving tribute to the unbreakable and steadfast bond of love.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

6 iritzi
Levi Lovell
2021(e)ko otsailaren 9(a)
I cryed
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Eman iezaguzu iritzia.