Unfriended: Dark Web

2018 • 92 минут
147 шүүмж
Веб хөтөч эсвэл дэмждэг төхөөрөмж дээр үзнэ үү Нэмэлт мэдээлэл авах
Таны хэлээр ямар ч аудио, хадмал алга. Хадмал англи хэлээр боломжтой байна.

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When a 20-something finds a cache of hidden files on his new laptop, he and his friends are unwittingly thrust into the depths of the dark web. They soon discover someone has been watching their every move and will go to unimaginable lengths to protect the dark web. Unfolding in real-time, Unfriended: Dark Web is the most terrifying horror yet from the producer of Unfriended, Happy Death Day, and The Purge. Please note, feature film may differ from version seen in theaters. - ( Original Title - Unfriended: Dark Web )
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Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

147 шүүмж
Stephen Jacewicz
2019 оны зургаадугаар сарын 9
Around 3 and a half. Unfriended: Dark Web still the disturbingness and terror up like the first, even if it seemed like another flawed video camera style film. This rating is for the film and original ending, however the alternate ending that was in theaters is also a disturbance. Another ending not as much, another well I guess so cause you don't know what happens.
26 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
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2019 оны зургаадугаар сарын 11
love this movie. I think its really scary due to the fact that based on technolgy today something like this could happen. 10 times better than the first one. great movie all together.
3 хүн энэ шүүмжийг хэрэгтэй гэж үзсэн
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jesus martinez
2018 оны аравдугаар сарын 18
Esta bien al principio muy aburrida pero conforme iva pasando el film se iva poniendo interesante LA PREGUNTA ES SI YO RECOMIENDO ESTA PELICULA. LA RESPUESTA ES SI aunque le falto mas drama pero esta pasadera para verla un fin de semana
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