Jess George
I watched this film hoping for the beauty and insight contained in the book. I watched this film expecting the cinematography to be a reflection of the hauntingly beautiful watercolour illustrations in the book, adding colour to the words. Needless to say, I was disappointed, but in all fairness film is a difficult medium to work with, when the book on which it is based is written from the point of view of a horse. I feel Spielberg did an excellent job while refraining from falling back on what I feel is an overused tool- the cheesy voice-over. While it would have had a profound effect on the overall mood of the film, I feel, in some scenes, a little more emotion from the horse would have been good. That said, it was a horse, and horses don't exactly have specifically expressive faces All in all, I think this film was a very good adaptation, however it may have benefited from a little Black Beauty-esque narrative. The performances and dialogue however were excellent, and I think that the horse that played Joey SHOULD have won an Oscar! For those who have read the book this is a must-see! For those who haven't, it's STILL a must see!
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Aurora Poli
Io l'ho letto, è bellissimo❤ io amo i cavalli e dopo che ho letto questo libro mi sono legata ancora di più a loro, il mio primo cavallo lo chiamerò Joey, è un nome stupendo. Il libro che ho io a casa in non ha la copertina colorata...e mia mamma mi aveva portato un pacco di libri e mi aveva detto di prendere quello che mi piaceva di più e io ho scelto "war horse" perché sapevo che centrava qualcosa con i cavalli, ho provato tante emozioni!!💞 È il mio libro preferito!!🔐💞❤💖👍🔝✌💘💕
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Chrissie Coombes
The title of my review sums it up. Never have been interested in War films, honestly only watched this film due to two of my favourite actors in it; but as soon as it started I was drawn in. Brilliant performances from the whole cast, incredible story, and overall a marvellous job by Mr Spielberg himself!
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