Wayne's World

1992 • 94 minutu
148 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

Based on the Saturday Night Live sketch of the same name, Wayne's World is a wacky, irreverent pop-culture comedy about the adventures of two amiably aimless metal-head friends, Wayne (Mike Myers) and Garth (Dana Carvey). From Wayne's basement, the pair broadcast a talk-show called "Wayne's World" on local public access television. The show comes to the attention of a sleazy network executive (Rob Lowe) who wants to produce a big-budget version of "Wayne's World"—and he also wants Wayne's girlfriend, a rock singer named Cassandra (Tia Carrere). Wayne and Garth have to battle the executive not only to save their show, but also Cassandra. Director Penelope Spheeris, Myers and Carvey hang a lot of silly, but funny, jokes on this thin plot, and the energy of the cast—as well as the wild pop-culture references—make Wayne's World a cut above the average Saturday Night Live spin-off movie.

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148 iritzi
2021(e)ko uztailaren 10(a)
Yo no me e visto la peli pero me e visto varias partes en Youtube y se ve buena xd 5 estrellas aunque tenga 11 años me encantan este tipo de pelis
Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2018(e)ko ekainaren 13(a)
مرة روعة استطعت اني اهكر المتجر وراح انزل عنه مقطع
51 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Fede Grmek
2015(e)ko urtarrilaren 26(a)
Aunque esta peli sea vieja del año 1992 es muy buena yo teniendo ahora 14 me encanta verla
68 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia