Wonder Woman (2009)

2009 • 73 minút
878 recenzií
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Tento film

Celebrate the princess who becomes the World’s Greatest Super Heroine in this Commemorative Edition of the origin story of Wonder Woman. On the mystical island of Themyscira, a proud warrior race of Amazon women thrives, shielded from the corrupt world of man. But a betrayal leads to the escape of Ares, the God of War, and Amazon Princess Diana must capture him before he unleashes global chaos and destruction. With the aid of cocky fighter pilot Steve Trevor, Diana tracks Ares to the United States for a battle unlike any humankind has ever faced in this epic tale.

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878 recenzií
Felicia Foreman
29. marca 2015
DUDE, HATE MEN ENOUGH? Feminist load of crap, and this is coming from a woman! They misrepresented not one, not two, not three, but EVERY Greek god they brought in! Did they do ANY research before making this?! Also,why was she able to beat up Aries when he was a god, but when he was powerless she couldn't?
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Michael Naz
30. júla 2016
This movie actually has more battle and fight scenes them most of DC Universe movies. The dialog and acting between Ares and Hades was epic. It was just as good ad Hollywood movies.
Ben B
19. mája 2016
I'd love to watch a DC animation that doesn't involve demons.. Or demonic, or death.. Or some other crap.. How about comic villains.. Like in doom and Flashpoint..
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