World War Z (Unrated)

2013 • 123 minutos
4 mil críticas
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Acerca deste filme

The suspense is killer!" proclaims Peter Travers of Rolling Stone in this fast-paced, pulse-pounding epic of the potential last days of the human race. Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) is called upon to help stop the chaotic pandemic that has gripped populations around the world. Even more action unfolds in the unrated cut with intense new footage not seen in theatres. David Denby of The New Yorker calls World War Z the "most gratifying action spectacle in years!

Classificações e críticas

4 mil críticas
Mitch McCann
27 de novembro de 2013
If you are expecting a movie that is even mildly based off the book then this movie sucks. The ONLY thing it has in common with the Book is that it has zombies in it and the title... But, if you like to watch Brad Pitt run from explosions and zombies and have never read the book... it's not bad (but even then not really good).
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Um utilizador do Google
13 de outubro de 2013
Problem 1. The worst part is the first 20 minutes. Hollywood shaky camera for tension in dark narrow spaces is lame. It doesn't help that this is also the part that requires the viewer to completely suspend disbelief that something like this would happen. Problem 2. The family is boring. It doesn't push any plot other than an inopportune phone call moment. Problem 3. The ending 2 mins is what I wanted to see of this movie. People fighting zombies in different ways.
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23 de abril de 2020
Definitely a different type of zombie movie, few things make me question how or why things went down. One thing would be that why would so many people sacrifice themselves for 1 person, kinda strange. Another issue is the fact that the entire world but one country, fell to these zombies which also seems ridiculous. The path they went for the zombies is unique though, having the ability to detect someone who had a strong/deadly sickness and not attacking them is different then most zombie movies.
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