Year of the Dog

2007 • 96 minút
21 recenzií
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Tento film

An unremarkable administrative assistant finds her life going to the dogs both literally and figuratively in actor/screenwriter-turned-director Mike White's dark comedy drama. An inexplicably cheerful office worker whose somewhat sad excuse for a life seems to revolve around her pet beagle Pencil, Peggy (Molly Shannon) seems to relate better to her four-legged friend than she does to most humans. Most of her person-to-person interaction revolves around doting on other people's children and treating her co-workers to daily donuts, and Peggy just doesn't find much solace in the company of her know-it-all sister-in-law Bret (Laura Dern) or her anxiety-prone boss Robin (Josh Pais). When Peggy's dog Pencil is taken before his time, the devastated dog-lover is wracked with guilt. Now desperate to fill the gaping void that has suddenly opened in her life, Peggy agrees to a date with her gun-nut neighbor Al (John C. Reilly) that ends in disaster when she begins to suspect that the boorish brute may have in fact poisoned her ill-fated pooch. Later, after adopting every dog at the local pound and transforming herself into an overzealous animal-rights activist, the increasingly unhinged Peggy reaches out to asexual activist Newt (Peter Sarsgaard) in a last-grasp attempt at forming a human connection that is met with casual indifference.

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21 recenzií
Používateľ služieb Google
28. decembra 2017
Warning-not at all what's expected dark and not as entertaining as the trailer makes it seem
Bolo to užitočné?
Christi Nash
5. novembra 2014
At points I was wary about where they were going with this, but if you watch it to the end, it's worth it.
10 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Bolo to užitočné?
Dali Gonzalez
13. apríla 2013
Gonzaleez Recoge.bylaly @. 1
8 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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