Seba Gonzalez
It's been years since I left the theater in the middle of a movie. But, this movie was a piece of💩. Thank God Kung Fu🐼3 was right down the hall, at least my money wasn't completely wasted. I was literally in physical pain watching this movie. It's not funny at all, the characters are and look stupid. And it gets worse and worse as the movie goes on. I'm just glad it didn't ruin Benedict Cumberbatch's career because he was probably the absolute freakin' stupidest looking character in the movie.
43 people found this review helpful

Andrew Watkins
This is an absolute disaster. A metaphor for how Ben Stiller can't stop acting. Please stop. Jaden Smith would've been an upgrade. Even in the Heartbreak Kid. I only remember thinking to myself maybe Owen Wilson will save this film. Nooo. Maybe Will Ferrell will save it. Nope. Maybe just seeing Penélope Cruz will save this fil.....wtf did I just watch? Maybe it's a meta joke movie in a movie, and they'll stop messing around soon, and get to the point. Don't remember a single scene.
21 people found this review helpful

Tay Wilson
Big fan of the original, ridiculous and silly and so many one liners I've used countless times in my life! 😃 This one was so depressing and I hated the fat shaming of l his son and trans phobic ' jokes ' about the character 'All'. Not funny. Actually painful to watch! Why should that be! 'normalised' as funny I don't understand..why people need more of an excuse to be rude!
12 people found this review helpful