John Coryat
Not too bad for a modern horse opera. A bit predictable. A bit tired. The ending is satisfying but the story itself is rather bland. Why they threw Demi Moore in this one is a bit confusing. They could have gone with an unknown and been better off. She's a real has been. She looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet, years ago. Time to hang it up Demi. There's nothing really great about this movie but it was worth watching Kiefer and Daddy act together.

Debbie Ingersoll
Great Western. Scenic scene were beautiful..father and son scenes are great and powerful..I do like how it ended..a little sad at the end but a good ending.. wasn't too sure about the Demi Moore character thou..

Darryl Terry
Father and son play a outstanding Westin together Kiefer pass hold him back from becoming the person he once was but when he push too hard The real killer in him comes out