Louis and Luca – The Big Cheese Race is a 2015 Norwegian stop motion animated film directed by Rasmus A. Sivertsen from a screenplay by Karsten Fullu, based on the characters by Kjell Aukrust. A sequel to Solan and Ludvig: Christmas in Pinchcliffe, it is the second film in a trilogy of stop motion animated films based on Aukrust's Flåklypa universe, and the fourth film overall. A co-production between Qvisten Animation and Maipo Film, with support and input from the Kari and Kjell Aukrust's Foundation, Louis and Luca – The Big Cheese Race was released in Norwegian cinemas on 25 December 2015, where it received 241,472 admissions. It was followed by Louis & Luca - Mission to the Moon, the final film in Sivertsen's trilogy.